
This is a Blog dedicated to all things Lycan and Vampire....Any characters mentioned are from a game called Immortal Night.

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Sunday, 17 July 2011

Today is the day after the night before...


Our House =FUN=  warred last night in the world of Immortal Night three times....The first two wars we glided through, Each of us hitting out targets with ease and laughing as they dropped like flies...The 3rd war was not so easy...They managed to get hits from us early on and I feared the worst, DEFEAT is a bad word for me....a word I am not comfortable with and will do almost anything to avoid.

Luckily my record of being undefeated in wars still stands thanks to some old friends that assisted us and guided us through...Much training is to be done before we war again.

After very little sleep and the excitement of last night I find myself lifeless today...Each bone aching and muscle tense...But as my husband always says...Sleep is for the dead...I will carry on.

All is quiet at the moment... 

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