
This is a Blog dedicated to all things Lycan and Vampire....Any characters mentioned are from a game called Immortal Night.

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Monday, 18 July 2011

The First Small Snippet Into My Book... Enjoy :)

*~ Living Immortally ~*

Starting the Immortal journey...

Walking down the street you come face to face with people, every day, different heights, weights, builds, colors, sexes and that’s all you notice, as they go about their business.

How often have you found yourself at the end of a street filled with people but been unable to remember any of their faces that you have past?

Or traveled on an elevator packed full of people but you never look up?

People only see what they want to see and for me...That’s a good thing.

They see me at times, they take great notice of the blonde corn silk hair and the ice blue eyes, sometimes they notice the lack of eye contact I give them and they believe me to be shy or damn right rude...

But do they actually see me?

The answer can only be no for if they did they would run screaming desperate to escape my presence, clambering over walls, locking car doors, simply running as fast as they can to terrified to look back...

If they actually saw me and the world that surrounds them they would be unable to live their lives as they know them.

And for that reason and that reason alone the Augustine Pact exists...

Do you know what I am yet? No? Best you keep reading...

The Augustine pact has been around since the time of Christ, no one is certain of its exact creation date, but we all know the story...

A group of four strong elders sat around a circular table and discussed our races and the near extinction of them, Two Kiss Princes of the covens and two Alphas of the Packs.

Not since have our numbers dwindled the way they did at that time...They discussed the reason why...We were hunted by the Humans.

What started out as a myth, a scary bedtime story to tell a naughty child...had become real to common folk...in numbers greater than ours they picked us off one by one...Unable to take us in a group or in our natural forms they waited for us to emerge in a human body and mainly killed us as we slept, Others were killed during the day when their strength was not at their fullest.

When there were less than one hundred of us left...The Elders gathered and started to write the pact.

It was basically an agreement between our races and the humans...a list of rules for all to follow in order to co-exist side by side.

It was signed by the elders and the world’s most influential human leaders at the time...and every world leader since has signed the pact and abides by it.

Since then our numbers have increased tenfold and although closely monitored by the human leaders...we are not restricted in reproducing, as they see the benefits of us existing as do we them.

Have you worked it out yet?

Maybe you think I’m an alien? In a way I am the only difference is we have always been on Earth...

Maybe you think you have, maybe you think I’m a vampire?

Would you be shocked to know they don't exist? You would be wrong on both accounts…They do exist and they are walking among you…Are you scared yet?

Im not one of them though..Im a Lycan.

We are simply two races of people...Races not given a country or a religion...

We are the Lycans and Vampires of Immortal Night.

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